Drupal Developer Days 2023 is not just about coding and development, it's also a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge of all things geeky and have a fun competitive banter with your fellow Drupalists. The pubquiz being hosted by a fellow geek Johann Faldeboe, features:Â
- Non-Drupal questions: General knowledge and Fandoms
- Each team comprising of 6 people maxÂ
- 18 fun questions, spanning across different categories, including general knowledge and popular fandoms
- two bonus rounds
There will be prizes for the first and second prize winners and a free round of drinks for bonus rounds winners.Â
- The pubquiz prizes are being sponsored by Gill from TickTockEnglish andÂ
- the free drinks for bonus prize winners are being sponsored by Karl from Cafe Luxor.
We thank Gill and Karl for their generous contributions and being a part of our event.Â
Café Luxor
Grünentorgasse 19B, 1090 Wien
- There will be no free food or drinks and you have to pay for any food or drinks you order at Cafe Luxor.
Thursday, 20th July 2023Â
Start: 18:30 (doors open at 18:00)Â
The seating capacity is 70 and there will be no reservation. First come first served! Please bring your registration badge with you to identify yourself as a ticket holder.
Sinduri Guntupalli, Product Manager at drunomics